Round The Island 2019
St. John’s College Round the Island Marathon will gather every year a total of 300 participants, joining hands in completing the run of approximately 38km with St. John’s spirit of unity. The run will start at St. John’s College and goes around Hong Kong Island and back to St. John’s.
Round the Island was first organised in 1984 by a group of St. Johnian running-lovers. This idea came to their mind spontaneously, and they completed the run with passion despite not having extensive preparation and road signs. In the following year, when the Ethiopian Famine hit, St. John’s initiated a full-year fundraising campaign and included RTI in it, which raised a significant amount of donations. Seeing its social significance, St. Johnians continued the tradition and upheld its spirit ever since.
RTI,Round The Island 環島跑,是香港大學聖約翰學院(簡稱「聖莊」)一年一度的大型活動。每年的RTI都會在四或五月舉行,由聖約翰學院出發,經西環、銅鑼灣、柴灣、大潭、淺水灣、香港仔,最後返回聖約翰學院,全長約三十八公里。
第一屆的 RTI 在一九八四年舉行,由幾位男莊民自發籌辦。他們一向有跑街的習慣,有一次他們突發奇想,將跑程延至整個香港島,在沒有任何準備和路標的情況下完成環島跑的壯舉。翌年,正值埃塞俄比亞大飢荒,聖莊發起全年的籌款活動,環島跑正是其中之一,籌得不少善款。莊民深明其社會意義,於是將 RTI 延續下去,成為聖莊的傳統活動。
In the past 34 years, all participants and St. Johnians kept their faith and never cease challenging themselves. On this 35th year, all income after covering costs will be donated to Unison. After years of evolution, Hong Kong Unison now puts most of our effort in Policy Advocacy work. That includes advocating for better Chinese language education policies for ethnic minorities, expanding ethnic minority students’ post-secondary options in education, and fighting for equal access to public services.
在過去的三十四年,所有參加者和莊民都堅持信念,不斷挑戰自己。踏入三十五週年,今年的主題為「紫想傳承跑 RTI2019」,我們會將扣除成本後的收入全數捐予融樂會 ( Unison ) 支持他們的工作,多年來融樂會的工作範圍不斷演化,現時融樂會把工作範圍集中於政策倡議上 ,包括爭取改善少數族裔中文教育政策、為少數族裔學生開拓更多升學途徑、爭取公平待遇。
1. Activity Background
○ Date: 30th April 2019 – 1st May 2019
○ Distance: 38 km (or 10km from St. John’s College to Quarry Bay)
○ Time Limit: 8 hours
○ Start Point and Finish Point: St. John’s College, The University of Hong Kong (82 PokFulam Road)
2. Route
Course Elevation Profile
3. Categories
❖ Alumni group 10 km (Men, women)
❖ Open group 38km (Men, women)
❖ St. Johnians (Current Residents living in St. John’s College) 38km (Men, women)
Welfare packs for every participant
Special Prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd runner up (38km Category)
Special Prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd runner up (10km Category
Cash Prize/ Money Sponsor
Other Prizes
Your generous support will provide wonderful opportunities for your business or organization:
❖ Introduce your business and products to a diverse audience of over 300 athletes and their peers
❖ Foster a healthy and positive image of your Company through active support in local sports event in university level and social level
It is a direct way to reach out to your target groups to be a Product Sponsor! Product sponsorship opportunities include water, energy drinks, snacks, towels, t-shirts,personal care items, gift cards, certificates and more! Other product sponsorship ideas are welcome!
❖ Logo featured on the bottom of all race promotions
❖ Company’s logo featured on the bottom of all race promotion
❖ Company’s logo featured on the race website and social networking platforms
❖ Company’s logo on email notices to over 500 of sports lovers and various Facebook pages of with thousands of followers including the St. John’s community and students in the University of Hong Kong
Race day
❖ Opportunity to display one banner at the finishing line
❖ Verbal acknowledgement by Master of Ceremony