2021 Welcome Party for New SJCAA Members
More than 50 current St. Johnians and 10 Alumni attended the Welcome party for our new Freshmen members in the Students’ Common Road. The event was held right after the High Table Dinner on 27th September from 8:30 pm till 10:00 pm.
After the introduction speech by our Master Dr. Eric Chong, our Chairman Mr. Vincent Chiu introduced the Alumni Association with a very illustrative powerpoint presentation.
Then came the Q&A session, 10 questions about the information of SJCAA were asked and the winners of the Q&A got either an 100th Centennial Octopus Card or a Centennial scarf. Finally, the grand prize was the one who could answer correctly the question asked by our Chairman, “What is the latest news in our web site?”. The winner went to Mr. Chris Chan 5F who received a silver College ring for his correct answer.
Then all the students were split into small group discussion with respective alumni on particular fields that they were interested to know more.
At ten o’clock, we ended the gathering by taking a group photograph.
It was a very successful evening when both our alumni and current St.Johnians got to know each other more. It was just a beginning for our new members to get to know more about the values for being a member in the St. John’s Alumni body,… and it was really a good start!
We need also to take this opportunity to thank those Alumni who came back for this occasion: Dr. Kenneth Ng, Dr. Clement Tong, Mr. Kevin Ng, Ms. Clara Fu, Ms. Eliza Chang. Also AA directors who went to the College for this event: Mr. Vincent Chiu, Ms. Hilary Pang, Mr. James Wong and Ms. Ling Ling.
Also thanks to our OC: Ms. June Au, Ms. Elaine Wong, Mr. Ryan Pan and Mr. Keith Chan.