Welcome Party for New Members

40 Alumni and Current St. Johnians joined the Welcome Party for New Members this year held at the Students’ Common Room.

The format of this year was slightly different from the last few years.

After a breif introduction by the Chairman SJCAA and YAC about the St. John’s Alumni Association, the new members were split into 3 groups to do a workshop with the Directors and Exco of the Alumni Association.

Finally, three creative functions were proposed by the students to the Alumni Assocation : Family Beach, Under the Wing of Aquila, and Aquila Matching.

The Directors of SJCAA then chose the Under the Wing of Aquila – an one week shadowing program to allow students who are interested to certain occupation of the alumni to go and work with the alumni for one week during the term break.

The winning group was then rewarded with a Spiderman balloon.

In addition, each group leaders also prepared very special desserts for the students. These included chips & wine, Haagen Dazs ice cream and Cova chocolates.

The 2 hour meeting ended at 10 pm with a greater understanding between the alumni and the current students.