Centennial Choir Recruitment

百年經典 – 聖約翰百週年合唱團

唱出你們於某年某月某日的集體回憶, 讓你們的歌聲成為我們的永恆知音! 加入聖約翰百週年合唱團, 不但能一起重溫College Song, Sports Song 及十首樓歌, 而且更能成為我們「聖約翰百週年主題曲」之其中一位主唱者, 於十一月之「聖約翰百年高桌晚宴」中一起高唱! 而我們亦會為所有歌曲錄製紀念CD, 無論你歌喉如何, 只要你喜歡St. John’s, 便歡迎一起合唱我們的百年經典!

Sing loudly and proudly, V-I-V-A Viva St John’s! Join the St John’s Centennial Choir to celebrate our 100th Anniversary. It is one of the pre-event of the Legend of Aquila, our Centenary Gala Dinner at the Grand Hall of HKCEC on 3 Nov 2012.

All Alumni and current students are welcome to join the Choir, which will perform the College Song, Sports Song, Floor Songs, Cheers and the Centennial Song. The Choir will also record a CD to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of St John’s College.

Schedule and activities are as follows:

22 July 2012 (2-5pm Sunday, @St John’s College)
– 1st Rehearsal (Sing the College Song, Sports Song, Floor Songs)
– Trial of recording

26 August 2012 (2-5pm Sunday, @St John’s College)
– 2nd Rehearsal (Learn and Sing the Centennial Song)
– It is also a Family Day, the choir members are welcome to come with their family members. They can enjoy our performance, and we will prepare some special games for them and teach them some St John’s Cheers

30 Sept 2012 (2-5pm Sunday, @one of the Theatres in HKU)
– Final Rehearsal and Recording for the CD

3 November 2012 (Saturday)
– The Legend of Aquila, our Centenary Gala Dinner at Grand Hall of HKCEC
– Show Time, the Choir* will be on Stage and Perform the Centennial Song (*for those who bought the Dinner ticket. If you are not going to the Dinner on 3 Nov, you can still join the 3-day events on 22/7, 26/8, 30/9)

Mark the dates now! If you are interested to join the Choir, please send your registration to Ms. June Au at auyingmei@yahoo.com.hk with your name and mobile number before 30 June 2012. For enquiries, please feel free to contact June via email or mobile (95007006). We look forward to seeing you on the rehearsal day!

Organising Committee
The Legend of Aquila