High Table Guests 2nd Term 2012

Please note the following High Table Guests for the second term of 2011-2012. As a St. John’s Alumnus, you are welcome to come back and attend these High Table Dinners and the High Table talks. Please also remember the following ground rules before you come:
1. Except your spouse, only St. Johnian or alumni will attend;
2. The spirit of the talks is not confrontational, but to learn more about these speakers and their views in a courteous and respectful environment;
3. No press nor media.

Please contact Yasti of the College Office 2 days in advance at 2817 7102 to make your reservation.

Date Speaker
13 February 2012 The Hon. Jasper Tsang Yok Sing GBS, JP (曾鈺成先生)
President of the Legislative Council
20 February 2012 Ms Eva Cheng GBS, JP (鄭汝樺局長)
Secretary for Transport and Housing
27 February 2012 Mr. Michael Wong JP黃偉綸處長
Director of Information Services
12 March 2012 The Hon. Emily LAU Wai-hing JP (劉慧卿議員)
Legislative Councillor
26 March 2012
Mr. Michael Tien BBS, JP (田北辰先生)
Chairman of G-2000
23 April 2012 Prof. Yeung Sum (楊森博士))
Prize presentation + Installation Day
25 May 2012 Parents of Final Year Students

Other details:
Time: Sherry at 6:30 p.m. and Dinner at 7:00 p.m.
Venue: Sherry at Student Common Room (Marden Wing), Dinner at Dining Hall