House of Lord 50 Anniversary (Participants)

House of Lord News

House of Lords, the first established floor association in St. John’s College since 1956, is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary in the coming year. The highlight of our commemoration is the Golden Jubilee which will be held on Sunday 15th January, 2006.

The details are as followings:
Date: 15th January, 2005
Time: 5:30-10:30 pm
Venue: House of Lords, 4th Floor, St. John’s College

For enquiries, please contact Mr. Matthew Shu (King Arthur XLIX) at 9730 4788

The following Alumni from the 4/F will be coming:

Chinese Name English Name Nick Name Year In Year Out
鮑仕基 Pau Sze Kee 1973
葉文浩 Ip Man Ho 1973
吳國鈞 Ng Kwok Kwan 1975
唐建生 Tong Kin Saing 1975
陳達榮 Chan Tat Wing 1975
黃文泰 Wong Man Tai 1976
劉飛龍 Lau Fei Lung 1976
李卓人 Lee Cheuk Yan 1977
湯達熙 Tong Tat Hay 1984
黃卓雄 Wong Chuk Hung 1985
勞振庭 Lo Chun Ting 1988 1991
董國雄 Tung Kwok Hung 1989 1992
王鴻 Wong Hung 1991 1994
李啟康 Lee Kai Hong Clement 1991 1994
伍笑虹 Ng Siu Hung 1991 1994
陳嘉名 1992 1996
麥啟華 Mok Kai Wa 1992 1998
梁國恒 1993 1995
吳志恆 1994 1997
陳聚文 1994 1996
鄧俊文 1994 1996
潘文健 1994 1996
吳愛璇 1994 1997
傅凱文 1994 1997
葉頌文 肥文 1995 1998
劉文煒 1995 1998
林卓弘 1995 1998
吳策 Charles 1995 1998
陳卓言 Steven 陳言 1996 1999
黃子君 Ida 1996 1997
陳偉文 Raymond 偉文 1997 2000
黃暉 1997 2000
雷煜偉 Rafael 1997 2001
方欣然 Fang Hsin Jan Sean 亞 Sean 1997 1999
廖繼志 Benny 志叔 1997 1999
鄺夏萩 Colette 1997 2000
梁啟泉 1998 2000
余力行 Alan 力神 1997 2001
梁威勇 Rex 朱古力 1998 2001
吳宇光 Nicholas 亞光 1998 1999
許瑋欣 Rainbow 亞 Bo 1998 2001
鄭書恆 Cheng Shu Hang Gary 蕉恆 1998 2001
莫家欣 Mok Ka Yan Noelle 莫家B 1998 2001
譚智東 Roy 1998 2001
張兆華 Cheung Shiu Wah Tony 華叔 1999 2002
李鎮超 Lee Chun Chiu Angus 肥超 1999 2002
馬詠珊 Lorraine 1999 2002
鮑立山 Alfred 亞鮑 1999 2003
儲碩文 Chu Simon 亞儲 2000 2003
梁百行 2000 2001
何倩婷 Alvina 2000 2003
陳家曦 Lesley 家曦 2000 2003
羅樹森 Law Shu Sum Sam 樹皮 2001 2004
張振宇 Cheung Chun Yu Horace 振宇 2001 2004
陳銘傑 Henry 2001 2004
馮俊鵬 Alex 拉登 2001 2003
石焯文 Shek Chuek Man Edmond 石仔 2001 2004
黃倬斌 Wong Cheuk Bun Alvin 亞斌 2001 2004
謝學庭 Tse Hok Ting 後庭 2001 2004
蘇慧兒 So Wai Yee Betty 2001 2004
莫昭根 Danny Mok 抽根 2002 2005
朱永豪 Rico 朱仔 2002 2004
梁志鏘 Ambrose 雞皇 2002 2003
陸建文 John Luk 賤人 2002 2003
何偉富 Wilson 富仔 2002 2004
溫凱然 Teresa Wan 亞龜 2002 2005
李顯倫 Richard Lee 顯倫 2003 2005
趙之傑 Eric 傑仔 2003 2004

Invitation from the House of Lords

Dear Lomosca / Princess,

Golden Jubilee – A Celebration That You Can Never Miss!

House of Lords, the first floor association established in St. John’s College since 1956, is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary in the coming year. The highlight of our commemoration is the Golden Jubilee (金禧之約) which will be held on 15th January, 2006.
The Golden Jubilee is a celebration which all kings, knights and princesses of different years gather in our beloved home in St. John’s and witness this remarkable moment. It would be our greatest pleasure to have your presence during that evening. Not only it provides an opportunity to meet your tongninsin (同年仙), but the Golden Jubilee will also let you reminisce how your life in the House of Lords was.
You can join this meaningful event at a contribution of HKD$320 per person. For an additional HKD$50 you will receive a commemorative box set with a tie clip and a badge of the House of Lords, and for HKD$130 you can get both tie clip and a 50th Anniversary Polo Shirt. A 5% discount will be made for a group purchase of 4 tickets and 10% for carrying along with your spouse*. So tell everyone and invite more people to come together!
For the last message, we will publish a booklet for the Golden Jubilee and would like to invite you to contribute an article about your life in the House of Lords. If you have kept any items from the House of Lords of your year, e.g. floor T-shirt, we would also be glad if you can lend us for a display during the Golden Jubilee.
For any enquiries regard the Golden Jubilee or placing any order of your ticket, please contact Mr. Choi Chun Ning, Chris (Mader XXV) at 9550 9480 or Mr. Shu Bong Tai, Matthew(KA49) at 97304788.

Yours truly,

King Authur XLIX
Shu Bong Tai, Matthew

* For children under the age of 12, half-price concession tickets are available.