Second Round of Social Dance Class

With the success of the First Round of Social Dance Class on Cha-Cha-Cha and Waltz, the SJCAA is going to organise the Second Round of “Shall We Dance” at St. John’s College on all the Fridays in November 2005.

Mr. Ken Chow will still be our over all instructor and we will not only review the first two dance, but also introduce new dance like JIVE.

Total tution fee for all four courses in November will be HKD600 each person. Please contact Michelle Chan below for enrollment.



“Shall We Dance”
Social Dance Elementary Class (4×1.5 hour Sessions)

Dates: 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th October 2005 (every Friday)
Time: 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm, Venue:Student Common Room, SJC
Fee: $600 per head for 4 sessions, Maximum: 30 persons per session (each member could enroll two non-members)

Application on first-come-first-served basis

Please call Michelle Chan at 2841 1235 or email to
(Please provide your name, your partner’s name (if applicable), mobile no. and bank payment reference – please make payment in the name of “St. John’s College Alumni Association, University of Hong Kong Limited” (or “SJCAA, HKU Ltd”.) to our HSBC account 026-434613-001)


北京舞蹈學院(客席教授), 香港體育舞蹈聯盟(教練)
澳門體育舞蹈總會(藝術總監), 台灣時代舞蹈運動中心(校長)

周教授在體育舞蹈界經驗豐富, 貢獻良多, 現為香港亞洲體育舞蹈有限公司董事兼藝術總監及北京舞蹈學院國際標準舞客席教授. 他參與了各種國標舞蹈的製作, 教授, 編排及表演工作, 門下人才輩出, 包括馬駿、黃蕊、汪明荃、饒珮君、劉真等等.

周教授將國際標準舞以舞臺劇形式搬上舞臺, 演繹白先勇先生名著”金大班的最後一夜”; 又將拉丁舞帶進了劉德華”夏日FIESTA演唱會”; 並在汪明荃”明荃名曲”演唱會及”心連心香港再起飛”表演節目內與汪明荃作出精湛的拉丁舞表演. 令普羅大眾對拉丁舞有更深刻的認識.
周教授於年中在台北成功舉辦”中港台三大舞后大挑戰”,反應熱烈. 並在”香港真人SHOW-極速舞王舞后大挑戰”、”下午麼麼茶”、”香港先生選舉”和”亞洲電視台慶”等節目內擔任編、導、訓練等角色及與學生一同演出精彩的拉丁舞蹈. 近日更成功在北京以拉丁舞為世界知名化妝品SK-II的新產品作推廣宣傳. 周教授在國標拉丁舞上的深厚功底和過人創意以及靈感均為所有舞者及觀眾認同及讚譽. 並為拉丁舞的普及應用及推廣作出重大的貢獻,奠下寶貴的基石.