A both historical and successful gathering happened on Monday, 21st February when the representatives from Six “Aquila”Teams – sports teams played by graduate St. Johnians came together to meet with the current SJCAA Directors at the HKUAA in Central. We found out that there are in fact at least 14 formal Aquila teams from Lacrosse, softball, hockey to soccer (not including the 30-40 regular golfers maintained by the Golf Interest Group.) These teams are normally play a game or competition once every two weeks to a month.
The following representatives from different teams came together to share their successful stories in organizing Sports for the Alumni as well as brainstorming with the directors how to become more successful this year.
Lacrosse: Gordon Sit, Steven Lam
Soccer: Alan Chan
Hockey (men): Arthur Hung, Amos Wong
Hockey (women): unable to attend
Softball (men): Alan Lam
Softball (women): Ms. Joanne Lam
Golf: Philip Li, Albert Chan and Ms. Karen Kam
Our Chairman Vincent Chiu went through with the team representatives how to make use of the current SJCAA web site and the forum section more effectively to share news.
Some of the items discussed including providing hyperlinks of the current SJCAA web site to their existing sites and vice versa. The other suggested that more tips provided by the SJCAA directors as how to use the web site more effectively.
One of the reformation that were discussed is to revamp the forum section so that individual team could have their own community which could send out mails of notification as well as allow some non-St. Johnian team members to gain access to this information through restricted access right.
The whole gathering ended with a fine dinner whereas individual team captains will also take more initiatives to put their stories into the forum of www.sjcaa.org.hk in the future.
If you want to join any one of the team, please send a mail to mesell@graduate.hku.hk