大仙廚房 Aquila Kitchen Episode 3


最後一輯大仙廚房,將在本星期二(9.6.2020) 晚上九時 GO LIVE。我們到時除了邀請到特別嘉賓-我們的舍監張牧師 (Dr. Eric Chong),上門到一個大仙家中參與外,還有神祕大仙,到時出現。此外我們更預備了兩份特別刻有聖莊徽章的「電動牙刷」,即時送出!請萬勿錯過!

This new episode of Aquila Kitchen will be held at a HOME KITCHEN of an alumnus – 「大仙廚房 變成 上門廚神!」(Guess whose kitchen!)
June, Alex and Vincent will still be our hosts and we have invited Dr. Eric Chong – the current Master of St. John’s College to be our special guest of the evening.
Dr. Chong will share with us his fishing and eating experience and in addition, “what is his inspiration from the COVID 19?”

Please watch the video from our live broadcast in Facebook
